Thursday, October 28, 2010

Freaking Out!! All over again...

So, there will be court tomorrow...
I am totally nervous...
I don't like people with authority over me...
which is kind of funny considering that I am married to a person who is a authortive figure at his work, but maybe its because he is totally different at home.

My first marriage was horrible filled with domestic violence and the use of ilegal drugs on his part and every time I seen a police officer or had to go to court, I started freaking out that I was going to get in trouble for what he did. I have never been in trouble in my life, only one traffic ticket in all these years, but still I freak out. Why can't my brain just understand that its just their job, and they aren't out to get me?

The last time I went to court was for a divorce from my first husband. I had to take the stand!! First time in my life! I was so nervous..sweating and shaking all over. I noticed the person who went before me, the judge kept telling that person to speak up. So when it was my turn, I was practically screaming into the mic and answering yes or no before the attorney could finish the question! But I got through it, I hope I do better tomorrow.

Tomorrow is an annulment, not that we want it...
That is another long horrible story for another time.

Then next week, we are going to get married all over again, same as last time..a short little court house of I do's and then once again we will be married.

But, I want to say up front that we have been married since March 17th of 08. All of this is just a techincally...We celebrate our marriage on that date...We are married, we did nothing wrong, this was done to us by someone else.

Now, I will have two dates to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. you know the beauty of it after all this...its only gettin better...Many congratulations to you both and may every year to come be filled with more and more happiness to replace the hardships life has dealt..
